This morning, I went to Romania just for a day. It's to please Phernant who has a new stick pasted by a charming customs officer. He is proud.

During this Romanian stage, I met two cyclists on ev6. First, Sang Song, 77-year-old Korean along the Danube from its source to the Black Sea!!!!

Then Margot, a super punchy German who also goes as far as the Black Sea. I even used my handyman knowledge at Dynamo to help him adjust his brakes!!!

Admittedly, our presence in Romania will have been short but with the recorded speed record of Phernant (59 km/h) and the passage of the 4000 km of the bicycle trip (it will be tomorrow morning)!!!

On the playlist list 8, I remember "A la foire de l'est " by Angelo Branduardi because Bulgaria yesterday, Romania today and Serbia tomorrow!!😍😍😍 (A wink for " Castor", a Britany friend)

Sinon, je trouve les Roumains souriants et accueillants